Star ratings are based on a self-evaluation by the hotel as well as the experiences of HRS and HRS customers. You can find details under Terms and Conditions and FAQs. HRS stars 10 Lebuh Farquhar, 10200 Penang - Georgetown City center 1.00 km 9.3 Excellent 1 Evaluations Clean & Safe Protocol X Self Inspected Hotel The measures have been confirmed by the hotel management Hygiene & cleaning measures Contactless reception of guests Keep distance Food & Beverage Safety Show all relevant measures Clean & Safe Protocol The health and safety of your guests has the highest priority for the HRS hotel partners. Hotels with a Clean & Safe seals implement extended hygiene and protective measures to protect against infection against COVID-19 within your company. Cleaning and disinfection measures Hygiene and personal protective equipment Hygiene stations and protective equipment available for staff and guests High touch frequency areas Frequent cleaning of public areas and areas with high touch fre...